Day 1 - 5.5 km; 1,200 HM:
To the right of the public pool a steep path starts. You are hiking through beautiful fields until the path turns into a narrow trail. This steep, winding trail leads you through the greenery up to Gasillboden (1,597 m). At this point you will have mastered a 2-hour-hike and 600 m elevation, but you still have 600 more meters to go. The trail leads you across the Gasillbach and goes up several serpentines to the spring “Muesmannsruhe“, the only natural spring in this area. At about 2,100 m elevation you cross the same little river again. After a few windings you turn right onto a narrow trail which takes you up to the cottage.
Day 2 - 6 km, 800 HM:
Starting at the cottage you take the narrow trail back to Gasilltal where you turn left. This winding trail will take you up to the Fernerwand. You’ll be climbing over rocks, stone slabs and and very narrow legdes (secured by ropes) to get to the slope that takes you up to the edge of the Grinner Ferner. Follow the footsteps in the snow until you get to the marked path towards Parseierspitze. First the trail leads you to the right up some rock steps. In the middle of the slope you turn left and you’ll reach the top (6 km, 800 HM) after just a few more minutes. You can get back down to the cottage and into the village via the same path you took up.
The ascent as well as the descent can also be done from the Ochsenalm.