Creme brulee - Holiday in the holidayregion TirolWest

How the GenussWerkstatt cooks

Crème brûlée of Roppen sheep cheese

Recipe by Hermann Gapp (Hotel Jägerhof)

75g milk
75g cream
2 egg yolks
5g potato starch
1.5 tbsp cream
110g Roppener sheep's cheese
eventually rosemary

First boil the milk and cream. Mix the potato starch with the 2nd cream and add to the boiling liquid. Add the egg yolk to the liquid. Stir with the feta cheese until smooth. Pour into jars and let rest so that the air bubbles that have formed dissolve. Then put in a water bath at 120°C for 20 min.

Bear's garlic pesto

250 g bear's garlic
30 g pine nuts
20 g Parmesan
250 ml olive oil
a pinch of nutmeg
salt, pepper, sugar

Take toasted pine nuts, Parmesan and olive oil and mix them. Mix the wild garlic to it, season with salt, pepper, sugar and nutmeg.

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GenussWerkstatt TirolWest

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