Pilgrimage church Kronburg

SPW ET1 Highlights und Sehenswürdigkeiten 2022

Pilgrimage church Kronburg

Through the miraculous healing of the child by Hans Lechleitner, Lechleitner and Johann Raimund Fieger of Kronburg had a portrait of the Virgin Mary painted and a chapel built.

The pilgrimage church to Maria Hilf, located in the depression south of the castle ruins Kronburg, was built as a chapel in 1673 and extended after receiving numerous pilgrimage donations 1714-1717. 1717 was the pilgrimage church - currently Kaplanei the parish of Zams belonging to the diocese of Innsbruck. The Wallsfahrtskirche shows itself as a simple, three-sided closed building, which rises on the west side of the pilgrimage tower was built in 1912.
A visit to the idyllic pilgrimage church Maria Hilf with the inn Kronburg and the castle ruins Kronburg is either by car on Schönwies or on a walk (about ½ hour) from Rifenal possible.
Pilgrimage church Kronburg


Street / House number:Kronburg 105

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Recommendable for Pilgrimage church Kronburg

In areas ofSPW ET7 Highlights und Sehenswürdigkeiten, kneipp facility, WanderTipps

Kronburg ruins

SPW ET7 Highlights und Sehenswürdigkeiten: Kronburg ruins

The castle hill on which the Kronburg ruins rise today, was already inhabited in prehistoric times.

Kneipp facility Kronburg

kneipp facility: Kneipp facility Kronburg

Water is a source of health, energy and vitality. Cold water awakens the spirits. The fountain in front of the inn is fed from its own spring with delicious water.

Pilgrimage Kronburg   Kaltenbrunn

WanderTipps: Pilgrimage Kronburg Kaltenbrunn

The pilgrimage route leads from the pilgrimage church Kronburg on the historic Via Claudia Augusta to flow and on to the pilgrimage church Kaltenbrunn, in Kaunertal.

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