Nauders Fortress - Holiday in the holidayregion TirolWest


Nauders Fortress

Einzige vollständig erhaltene Festungsanlage Alt-Österreichs zum Schutz der Südgrenze Tirols.

Summer: Guided tours every Wednesday and Sunday at 03:00 pm.

In winter, the fortress remains closed

The only completely preserved fortress of old Austria to protect the southern border of Tyrol. The fortress was built around 1840, the barracks with their bunkers embedded in the mountain are located opposite. The early medieval defensive wall, the “Nikalas Wall” went out from here and up the mountain. You can still view some of its remains.

Nauders Fortress
© daniel zangerl photographer


Name:Karl Ploner
Street / House number:Bundesstraße, ca. 2 km vor Nauders

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