By train to TirolWest

Comfortable by train to TirolWest

Car-free holidays in TirolWest

With the train, the holiday begins before arrival. The trains of the Austrian and Swiss Federal Railways as well as the Deutsche Bahn bring you to Tyrol cheaply, quickly and relaxed. Whether with the Sparschiene of the ÖBB, the Europe-Special-Ticket of the DB or the Sparbillet of the SBB.

You can get information from the ÖBB call center: +43.5.1717.

Fast, safe, without traffic jams, without stress, without refueling and therefore environmentally conscious. This is how traveling is today...


Arrival at TirolWest

Arrival at

Landeck-Zams railway station

Landeck-Zams railway station

Open! Open!

WeekdayOpening hour
Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su07:15 - 12:35
Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa, Su13:10 - 17:20
Place: Landeck

According to VCÖ-Bahntest the best train station in Tyrol!

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With the train to Tirol

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