Plan your vacation in the mountains without barriers
Museums, nature experiences, accommodation, leisure activities and places to eat and drink (restaurants, bars ...) in the region for people with reduced mobility. Barrier-free vacation with us.
Barrier free accommodation
Barrier-free accommodations in TirolWest with the city of Landeck and the idyllic vacation resorts of Zams, Fließ, Tobadill, Grins and Stanz.
Barrier free circuits
Wheelchair accessible and barrier-free circular routes in TirolWest with the city of Landeck and the idyllic vacation resorts of Zams, Fließ, Tobadill, Grins and Stanz.
Accessible museums
Accessible museums in TirolWest with the city of Landeck and the idyllic resorts of Zams, Fließ, Tobadill, Grins and Stanz.
Genussberg Venet - barrier-free
By improving accessibility, Genussberg Venet is also a highly attractive leisure and recreation area for people with walking disabilities and wheelchair users.